The Solomon Gulch Hatchery

Valdez Fisheries Development Association Inc., operates the Solomon Gulch Salmon Hatchery here in Valdez Alaska. Constructed in 1982, the Solomon Gulch Hatchery is permitted to incubate 270 million Pink Salmon eggs and 2 million Coho salmon eggs annually

VFDA’s primary purpose is to provide salmon for the Common Property which includes commercial, sport and other end users. Each year starting in mid June, the Solomon Gulch hatchery awaits the return of it’s Pink salmon.

An average return for VFDA is about 10 million adults. After harvesting a small percentage of the return for cost recovery, the remainder is harvested primarily by the Commercial purse seine fishermen and the sport fishermen. In addition, VFDA collects approx., 400,000 adults for brood stock.

August is for Coho’s. The annual return of adult Coho to Valdez is between 150,000 and 250,000. This allows the community of Valdez to sponsor the Valdez Silver Salmon Derby with great success. The best time for sport fishing Coho’s is late August through Labor Day.

The Solomon Gulch hatchery is a strong economic engine for the Valdez and Prince William Sound area. Studies have shown that it contributes approx., $110 million annually to the region.

Sales for our Solomon Falls Seafood’s helps to off-set our operating expenses and debt retirement. This allows VFDA to reduce the amount of Pink salmon needed to meet our cost recovery goals leaving more fish for the Common Property.